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Keegan Hagan

“I am Keegan Hagan, a full time licensed professional business broker, estate agent and the National Franchise Development for Urban Link. I have sold many businesses, properties and also franchise for the Urban Link and Deal Chasers brand in South Africa. I have been in the sales industry for more than a decade, studied sales and marketing, qualified in training facilitating, assessing and have worked in real estate for five years. I have a passion for real estate and business brokering. As a business broker, estate agent and franchisor specialising in all sectors of this business, I have always brought abundant energy, creativity, dedication and enthusiasm to my work. You can be assured that I will stay on top of all the details of the deal, to provide a smooth and easy-going transaction.”

Senior Business Broker
[email protected]
+27 870 959786 / +27 76 276 3826